NL220 LonWorks (c) Manager questions & answers

NL220 can access a project using TCP/IP network with TCP client
Question by Guest
August 3, 2020
Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

To add a tag in NL220 LonWorks Manager program for Windows, you can typically follow these steps:

  1. Open the NL220 LonWorks Manager software.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate section or menu where you manage tags.
  3. Look for an option to create or add a new tag.
  4. Click on that option and provide the necessary details for the tag, such as name, type, and any associated settings.
  5. Save the tag configuration.
  6. The tag should now be added in the NL220 LonWorks Manager program.

Please note that specific steps may vary depending on the version and exact setup of the software. It is recommended to refer to the program's documentation or reach out to the software provider for detailed instructions.

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